Everyone's a hero in their own way. In their own, not-that-heroic, way!
26.01.2012 в 23:05
Пишет QVall:24.01.2012 в 23:26
Пишет amguz:Я люблю Нила Геймана
Neil Gaiman on Copyright, Piracy, and the Commercial Value of the Web
“When the web started, I used to get really grumpy with people because they put my poems up. They put my stories up. They put my stuff up on the web. I had this belief, which was completely erroneous, that if people put your stuff up on the web and you didn’t tell them to take it down, you would lose your copyright, which actually, is simply not true.
And I also got very grumpy because I felt like they were pirating my stuff, that it was bad. And then I started to notice that two things seemed much more significant. One of which was… places where I was being pirated, particularly Russia where people were translating my stuff into Russian and spreading around into the world, I was selling more and more books. читать дальше
URL записиNeil Gaiman on Copyright, Piracy, and the Commercial Value of the Web
“When the web started, I used to get really grumpy with people because they put my poems up. They put my stories up. They put my stuff up on the web. I had this belief, which was completely erroneous, that if people put your stuff up on the web and you didn’t tell them to take it down, you would lose your copyright, which actually, is simply not true.
And I also got very grumpy because I felt like they were pirating my stuff, that it was bad. And then I started to notice that two things seemed much more significant. One of which was… places where I was being pirated, particularly Russia where people were translating my stuff into Russian and spreading around into the world, I was selling more and more books. читать дальше
Его твит о встрече с дилером, который передал ему болванку с Рейенбахским водопадом...)))
Мне интересно, почему так мало собственно писателей/музыкантов высказались по сабжу... Боятся своих паблишеров?
Я видела ролики музыкантов, которые наоборот призывают не качать музыку и т.д, а вот тех, кто разделает позицию Геймана, судя по всему, не так уж много. Хотя мне кажется, что большая часть "творцов" не углублялись в эту проблему, а просто повторяют то, что им говорят их агенты/продюсеры/паблиширы)
Если бы я не познакомилась с творчеством Геймана через интернет. то не стояла в очереди за его автограф с честно купленной книгой
Вот что бывает, когда "временное" переименование затягивается)
Вот-вот, аналогично! То же самое могу сказать про многие свои комиксы и мерчендайз к различным сериалам.
Soma Peiris
Жаль, что многие этого не осознают пока)