Everyone's a hero in their own way. In their own, not-that-heroic, way!
I wanted to write something really long and depressive, since everybody else already did, but that’s kinda out of character and therefore it would really suck.

Not saying I’m in a bad mood – Hell No! – it’s just that… I feel uncomfortable when the atmosphere gets so tense and I can’t think of anything to improve it.

Why can’t all things be tennis? (c)

I’m a minor character, so it’s pretty futile for me to try and change something. Best thing I can do is avoid getting involved in all these clashes. Smart-o desu!

Ah, maybe I’m wrong, but it’s not that I really care. Sleeping through storms has always been my forte and I’m not willing to change my attitude. I’m quite comfortable the way I am, thank you, and brooding over problems just ain’t my style. Hmm, it’s not that I ever take any problems seriously. In the little world I’ve created for myself there are only two categories of people: “my friends” and “everybody else”. Anything that happens beyond the first category doesn’t really matter to me, so I pay no heed. Everything that concerns the first category usually brings along positive thoughts and emotions, so what more can I ask of? It’s as simple as that, and I don’t care if I’m being childish or naive.

That’s why, even though everyone’s feeling a bit down right now, I’m still being optimistic about it, since my friends will get over their depression soon enough. I’m certain about that, even though I can’t really understand the reason that caused this mass depression in the first place. Oh well, guess that’s just something I person like me won’t ever be able to comprehend.

And, by the way, this post is merely a gag. Did you people really expect me to write something serious? Mada mada dane. That's why I told you to ignore it!

26.06.2006 в 22:14

in case of emergency, good luck.
Спс --" (Нет, я знаю, что и сама могла бы порыться в словарях --")

точно? это только пока!

ну, Йоруичи-сан можно... можно всё! *________*

просто такого рода обзывательства мной отчего-то воспринимаются как похвала, а на это, зная, СКОЛЬКО было недочетов, мне сразу хочется посамоуничижаться, но выйдет некрасиво, потому что начнут думать, что я напрашиваюсь на комплименты... как все сложно у больных на голову греев, с ума сойти --"(простите за неудачный каламбур --")

в общем, отходи, отходи. и уши заткни! совет. добрый.

26.06.2006 в 22:21

Everyone's a hero in their own way. In their own, not-that-heroic, way!


Вряд ли я поменяю свое мнение на этот счет)

Ладно-ладно, промолчу) *отходит еще дальше*