А команда Хиотея-то романтики!
Хотя по песне "Koori no Emperor" и не скажешь...
В общем, чтоб было понятно, о чем они поют:
Koori no EmperorKoori no Emperor (Ice Emperor)
Do not touch us or you'll get burned
with ice flame and cold heat
Do not come near us or we'll get you
with an ice blade and a blow filled with determination...
Kneel down, worship and honor me
The strongest dominates the weak
Don't defy, get down on the ground and be frightened
The victor can do whatever to his defeated
Yes, the ones who reign over the court are...
Hyotei, Hyotei, Ice Emperor.....
Always leaning foward with a scent that's dangerous
cool, realistic mind burning steadily
We're undefeatable
just like a mirage, unstoppable fighting spirit sways evanescently
Kneel down, worship and honor me
The strongest dominates the weak
Don't defy, get down on the ground and be frightened
The victor can do whatever to his defeated
Yes, the ones who reign over the court are...
Hyotei, Hyotei, Ice Emperor.....
who reign over the court are...
Hyotei..... Ice Emperor.....
Atobe: Naa, do you remember?
Do you...do you remember?
That day in spring when we all first met
The pink of the sakura colored the flow of time
(with Jiroh): It was like everything was full of their brand new scent
Jirou: To the searching eyes around me, a shy greeting
Looking away, up to the sky
The jet streams were shooting straight ahead to the future
Shishido: Naa, do you remember?
Do you...do you remember?
That day in summer when we all fought earnestly together
The burning sun through the deep green trees
(with Oshitari): Redifining our limits everyday, competing with you
Oshitari: With connected hearts, our spirits became one
Smiling with sweat on your brows
With that sparkling smile, you were radiant
All: There's a lot to it, ne; to living. Everyday becomes yesterday
But, there will be a new tomorrow to meet with you
Becoming adults, little by little, gaining experiences
On this journey to overcome our trials, our bonds make us stronger
Right now, there are words I want you to hear
Words you'll come to understand
They are...lalalalala
Hiyoshi: Ne, do you remember?
Do you...do you remember?
That day in autumn when we didn't agree and we fought
The wind that cooled our bent bodies
(with Gakuto): One by one, the fallen leaves fluttered in the severe freeze
Gakuto: I couldn't stand that bad atmosphere
But you're too pure, so it can't be helped, ne
Let's fight--because we're friends
Ootori: Ne, do you remember?
Do you...do you remember?
That day in winter we I felt frustrated and down
Walking past the frozen houses without speaking
(with Kabaji): Having you next to me was like feeling the faint warmth of sunshine
Kabaji: I couldn't stand it, ne; I didn't cry, but
At a time like this, just being silent
Our hearts have a connection, and that makes everything okay
All: There's a lot to it, ne; to living. Everyday becomes yesterday
But, there will be a new tomorrow to meet with you
Becoming adults, little by little, gaining experiences
On this journey to overcome our trials, our bonds make us stronger
Right now, there are words I want you to hear
Words you'll come to understand
They are...lalalalala
And, the seasons will turn back to spring again
только почему Отори поет с Кабаджи...
Меня интересует, почему Кабаджи вообще ПОЕТ? Тем более ТАКОЕ... XDDD
а так хорошо)
Miharu-chan у сценаристов определенное чувтсво юмора ))вот у кого надо учиться! )
да,голос есть у Като.что бесспорно.еще я согласна слушать Саито.
но в тенимю так всегда было.парочка-троечка петь умеет- и хватит с нас))))
Я поняла эту фразу после того, как ее спел Хийоши... Одна из причин, по которой я его полюбила)) Плюс он зайка и у него тоже есть голос, хоть он и мало поет.. XDD
Да-да, отжигать в сценках должны именно такие персонажи!
Miharu-chan муахахахахахаххаахха
ну вот, значит что у нас в сценке будет?)))
какие нам нужны персонажиUsu! XDDD
во, опять гон со сменой личностей ))))Mada mada dane...
*вспомнил гон в аське про поломанные руки*
Злой Кикумару-сенпай!
Было бы из-за чего переживатьОстальные вот не обломались))я себе слабо представляю Эйджи с такой прической...с его манерой поведения...хм...
Усы и борода))